Antonija Sola

Antonija Sola -- a Croatian musician musician-singer-songwriter actor, lyricist and music producers. Most famously, she is known for her role as Tina Bauer Fijan on the first Croatian TV soap opera Zabranjena ljubav. She also composed, wrote and composed the lyrics for the song that was the main theme of the show. Antonija Sola, 44 years old was born in Zagreb Croatia on 5 June 1979. Antonija Sola's life path number in numerology, is 1. Sola is a world-renowned music celebrity. She sings and frequently performs at Croatian competitions. Volim Osmijeh, Ti Cujem Glas Volim and Ti Cujem Glas Volim are some of the most well-known songs she has performed. On 6-5-1979 Antonija Sola was born. Her journey through life is 1. It is the years 9 and 2023. It was her first time competing in the Miss Croatia pageant during the 90s. Antonija Sola, according to numerology, is born with a Path Number of 1 which indicates that she is driven and focused. This is an example of her determination to be successful in life. The goals she sets are the basis of her life's work. Antonija Sola celebrates her 9th personal year in this year. It is the 9th day, which is the most significant number of changes. It is now an ideal time to put down the old cycle and begin the new one. The year of 2019 will be filled with new experiences. Antonija Sola might have chances such as moving her home, changing her job or ending relationships to start new ones. Antonija Sola's net income of wealth can be estimated at between $1 Million to $5 Million. The majority of her wealth comes from her work as a World Music Singer, which is what she did throughout her entire life.

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